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Product Code: 4610514

Green Velvet All Rounder Lawn Seed

525g (Covers 15msq)

From: £ 7 .88

Product Description

A great multi-purpose, everyday grass seed that will deliver a lawn for the rough and tumble of family use while giving a quality and attractive appearance. tolerance.

Key Features

A great everyday grass seed for areas of grass that get everyday use
Rapid germination and establishment from the perennial ryegrass grass seed
Withstands heavy foot traffic and wear
Ideal to create a lawn or landscape area which looks good and can be used by everyone
Attractive appearance
Will produce a very fine leaved and dense lawn
Rapid stabilisation for embankments

Suitable Areas:
All landscaping
Quality Lawns
Everyday Lawns
Parks, Housing Industrial
Caravan Parks
Heavy Traffic

Strong Creeping Red Fescue 50%
Perennial Ryegrass 50%

Sowing Rate 25-35g/m2
Sowing Depth 8-12mm
Cutting Height down to 25mm